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Here I have included some of my favourite websites for your perusal - they are mainly associated with motorsport but some are just for fun.

Search Engines
AltaVista One of my favourite search engines with lots of interesting pages in its files.
Lycos Very useful search engine that returns lots of information when searching for particular items
Yahoo! The most famous and widely used. The yahoo site itself contains many different things including photo galleries, games and online mail services.

My Favourite Sites
Autosport The best motorpsort website around!
ITV F1 The best site for F1 News
The Planet F1 Club My favourite yahoo club. We need more members so sign up now!
ICQ This is a site where you can download ICQ which is the best PM system on the web.
Spencer's Site my friend Spencers' site on the same system as mine. Be sure to cast your vote for Head Boy.
The Klementaski Gallery Here is where I got most of the images in my photo gallery - he is the best.
Multimap A truly inspired site which gives detailed maps,and even aerial photos, of everywhere in the UK.

